Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Egyptian Magic Cream(埃及魔法膏)

Egyptian Magic All-Purpose Skin Cream

【Purposes 功能】

Skin moisturizer Itchy skin
Makeup remover Cracked skin
Diaper rash Ashy skin
Skin rash Massage lotion
Clear up foot odor Massage oil
Chicken pox Shaving cream for legs and face
Stretch marks After-shave cream for legs and face
Athletes foot Relief from razor bumps
Sun and wind moisture protection Dry scalp
Note: NOT A SUNSCREEN Itchy scalp
Aromatherapy Hair tamer
Essential oils Hot oil hair treatment
Fungus Surgical incisions
Hemorrhoids Skin irritations
Vaginal moisturizer Eczema
Vaginal cream Scars
Cold sores Tattoo
Chapped lips Pets/animals: dogs cats horses
Dry skin Help to prevent pregnancy stretch marks

滋润皮肤 皮肤搔痒
卸妆 皲裂皮肤/皮肤干燥处
尿疹 皮肤顏色失调近期的晒伤
皮疹 按摩乳
消除脚气 按摩油
水痘/痘疤 脸部/脚部除毛膏
妊娠纹/肥胖纹 除毛后红肿
香港脚 缓解/减轻割伤
阳光和风的滋润保护 干性头皮
注:这不是防晒剂 头皮发痒
香料按摩 狮子头
香精油 热油头发护理
皮肤癣病 手术切口
痔疮 蚊虫叮咬及皮肤瘙痒
阴道滋润 湿疹
阴道霜剂 疤痕/伤疤
唇疱疹 文身/刺青
唇裂 宠物/动物:狗/猫/马
干性皮肤 助于防止妊娠纹

【Purposes 功能】

❤ 滋养 & 保护:舒缓和修复干裂粗糙皮肤。如手肘、膝盖、手以及脚。
❤ 保养指甲:软滑和保护角质层。
❤ 标准按摩膏药:揉搓至温热在手掌中,涂抹直到渗透皮肤表层,舒缓红肿之处。
❤ 嘴唇养护:润泽和柔软
❤ 多功能保湿调理:天然植物超级润肤可补充肌肤润泽层次,
❤ 照料婴儿:埃及魔法膏可代替以矿物油和石油为主的婴孩产品。
❤ 避免妊娠纹/肥胖纹
❤ 淡化疤痕和伤疤
❤ 修复伤处或湿疹倾向的皮肤
❤ 润发油,让头发有光泽
❤ 润肤霜,防老化肌肤护理

❤ All over nourishing & protecting: Soothes and repairs chapped
or rough skin on elbows, knees, hands and feet.
Heavy-duty damage control for long-haul flights.
❤ Healthy nails: Softens and protects cuticles
❤ Perfect massage balm: Warmed between palms it glides over
the skin's surface, easing bumps and bruises
❤ Lip conditioning: Smoothes and softens
❤ Multi-purpose moisturising: With botanical super-emollients to replenish
skin's moisture levels, post shave, apres sun or whenever you face the elements
❤ Looking after baby: Replace mineral oil and petroleum based
baby products with Egyptian Magic Cream
❤ Preventing stretch marks
❤ Reducing scars and blemishes
❤ Healing sore or eczema prone skin
❤ As a hair pomade for lustrous sheen
❤ Moisturiser and anti aging skin treatment

【Ingredients 主要成份】

Ingredients 主要成份
Olive Oil 橄榄油
Bees Wax 蜜蜡
Honey 蜂蜜
Bee Pollen 蜜蜂花粉
Royal Jelly 蜂皇浆
Bee Propolis 蜂胶
Divine love 像似蜂蜜的香味
Size(容量) 118ml/4 oz.
Packaging(包装) 白色的胶罐

Packaged in plastic
screw top container

购买价钱:RM135(包快递,免赠“我的心机”樱花嫩白光采面膜x1,SKIN79 Super Beblesh Balm Whitening / Wrinkle improvement UV rays interception SPF25 PA++)
购买方式:网购 From 公主_秋天87

泡泡层被我打开的同时EM cream的外面有些遗漏的油迹,

GINVERA Bio Lite Beauty Olive Oil)接下来是我的双脚,
然后也不敢进出房间太多次,怕地板会沾上油油的EM Cream。好险!

网站:Egyptian Magic Cream (Credit To) My Beauty Spot

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